Ubisoft released Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag in October, and now the publisher is about to release another pirate-themed Assassin’s Creed title — this time for mobile.
The game is Assassin’s Creed: Pirates, and it will debut Dec. 5 for iOS and Android for $5.
Pirates has players taking the role of Captain Alonzo Batilla. As Batilla, gamers command a pirate ship and engage in naval combat with other vessels. The captain then slowly works his way up the hierarchy of pirates that sail the Caribbean while also searching for buried treasure and recruiting additional crew.
Developer Ubisoft Paris produced the title, which uses a new 3D graphics engine built specifically for powerful mobile devices. This means the game is only going to work on high-end smartphones and tablets.
Check it out in action in the following trailer:
From the look of things, Assassin’s Creed: Pirates appears like it is taking inspiration from beloved PC title (and recent mobile release) Sid Meier’s Pirates, which also has players sailing the Caribbean, gathering a pirate crew, searching for treasure, and more.
The mobile game also adds to the ongoing Assassin’s Creed lore. Players will meet with Assassins and Templars as they continue their age-long battle for supremacy. Batilla also crosses paths with infamous pirates like Blackbeard.
Assassin’s Creed is one of Ubisoft’s most important franchises. The publisher has released a triple-A console and PC Assassin’s Creed annually for the last five years. The company also often attempts to break the series onto other platforms. Those games include substantial releases for PlayStation Vita (Assassin’s Creed: Liberation), iOS and Android games (Assassin’s Creed: Recollection), and browser-based titles (Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy)