Old Decoden

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Sorry for the poor image quality, because most of the photos are taken with old handphone >.<Back to the past, when I first found out about Decoden. Decoden is the art of decorating gadgets, could be with ribbons, dolls, feathers, beads, pearls, clay, painting etc..The first time I saw decoden at September 2007 in a Japanese Magazine, I instantly fell in love, and i wanted to decorate my phone...

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Samsung coming up 5-inch windows phone

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 05 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Here is a rather interesting discovery. It seems Samsung is not quite ready yet to give up on Windows Phone. Indian importation records revealed that Samsung has been sending the Samsung SM-w750v to India, for “testing and evaluation”.A search for the name reveals the handset is running Windows Phone 8, according to Handsetdetection.com, with the user agent of:Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0;...

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Top 5 annoying things about your smart phone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Let’s face it, smartphones aren’t perfect. We’ve had numerous editorials talking about it, and we don’t think twice about pointing these imperfections out in our reviews. Surely in life nothing is perfect, but there are surely those companies that try harder, and those that don’t. There are companies that’ll charge you the same amount of money for lesser quality products than others, and there are...

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Miss Your OLD Blackberry Messenger? Downgrade to BBM 7 and BBM 6 here

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Do you heard about the New Version Blackberry Messenger 8? And you already installed it? And now, you miss your older version of your Blackberry Messenger? I heard a lot about how S*CK the new Blackberry Messenger 8, i installed in 2 different Blackberry device, and for one Blackberry, i decide to back to the old Blackberry Messenger 7.Do you feel s*ck to? here is the solutions to Downgrade your BBM...

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Samsung to release 4 new smartphones in 2014

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 04 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Samsung may dial up a virtual and literal handful of smartphones in early 2014.(Credit: CBS Interactive)The Samsung Galaxy S5 may be among five smartphones announced in the first quarter of 2014, reports ETNews (translate). While this is but one report, and from a not-always accurate source, the rumor dovetails with recent rumblings.The last few few weeks have given way to plenty of...

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Samsung Galaxy S5 specs leaked!!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The leaks and rumors have yet to reach that overdrive status, however it does appear as if we are seeing more and more mentions of the Samsung Galaxy S5. There has been talk of the handset having a metal frame, 16MP rear-facing camera and even a 4000 mAh battery. And as of today, a GFX Bench filing has been spotted for the SM-G900S, a device that is believed to be the Galaxy S5.The...

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Any.Do releases Cal app on the Play Store Download it now for free

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
There are a lot of calendar apps available for users in the Google Play Store. You probably have a favorite. I know I do. If you’re a fan of Any.DO and you use an Android device, we know you have been watching and waiting and hoping for the Cal app to make its way to Android. Today is your lucky day, because Any.DO has announced that Cal has landed in the Google Play Store.Cal...

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Get 50GB of Cloud storage Free from Amazon

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Depending on how you feel about both “the cloud” and Amazon in general, this deal might not be all that good to you but, free’s free. Now that 4G LTE is pretty accessible for the vast majority of us in the United States, cloud storage has quickly become a viable thing and there are more options than ever before. Amazon’s cloud drive however, is a pretty decent offering and for those of you that have...

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Latest leaks on Nokia Lumia 929

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 30 November 2013 0 komentar
Eagerly awaiting more details to emerge of the Lumia 929? Leakster 'Falorin' has you covered over on our community forum. A new photo of the unannounced Windows Phone in white has been leaked (see above for previously released render), as well as some information on the size of the battery. You're looking at an impressive 2510mAh power plant. Falorin also lightly touches on a mid to late December...

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Download link for seasons-power packed game for Windows Phone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Seasons is a relatively new infinite runner game for our Windows Phones. You play the role of Ezra, a warrior who is in the middle of a heated battle with his brother Aton. You have to help Ezra race across the land, navigating him past various obstacles along the way.Game play is not unlike other running games and graphics are well done. The storyline does get lost after the title scenes but is...

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OmniROM releases nightlies for Android 4.4, details new features

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 November 2013 0 komentar
The OmniROM development team announced the release of KitKat nightly builds for 15 of the most popular Android devices of the moment, and highlighted some of the new features of the custom ROMt.OmniROM is a new custom ROM that aims to be a community-driven, feature-rich, and flexible implementation of Android. Some well-known developers are contributing to OmniROM, including Chainfire (SuperSU, Mobile...

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Upgrade Your Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100G with Android 4.4 KitKat

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Galaxy S2 I9100 gets latest Android 4.4 KitKat features with CyanogenMod 11 ROMGalaxy S2 I9100G users are in for a special treat as they can enjoy the first ever Android 4.4 KitKat update, thanks to the release of CyanogenMod 11 ROM by XDA Recognised Developer, Wayland_ACE. The custom ROM has been constantly developed and tweaked in the last few days to obtain a stable and fully-functional firmware.Samsung...

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Download GTA San Andreas For Android And Windows Phone NOW!!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Before GTAV took us to the sun-bleached sidewalks and humming concrete freeways of present-day Los Santos and beyond, there was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, the biggest GTA of the PS2 era. Now, head back to the early 90s with CJ and the Grove Street Families when Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas comes to mobile devices next month. Encompassing Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas and everything...

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Etude House Nutrifull Shea Butter Essentializer ~ Review

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 November 2013 0 komentar
Continued from previous post, I was posted about Nutrifull Shea Butter Cream, and this time I'll review about Nutrifull Shea Butter Essentializer, still one series with Nutrifull Shea Butter Cream.This is the description on the Nutrifull Shea Butter Essentializer box :Product Description : Name : Etude House Nutrifull Shea Butter EssentializerVolume : 60mlIngredients : 5% of organic shea butter- Contains...

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Assasins Creed 5 Launch For iOS and Android On 5th Dec

Posted by Unknown Senin, 25 November 2013 0 komentar
UbisoftAssassin's Creed Pirates for iOS and Android devices.Ubisoft released Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag in October, and now the publisher is about to release another pirate-themed Assassin’s Creed title — this time for mobile.The game is Assassin’s Creed: Pirates, and it will debut Dec. 5 for iOS and Android for $5.Pirates has players taking the role of Captain Alonzo Batilla. As Batilla, gamers...

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Upgrade Your Samsung Galaxy S4 To Android 4.4 KitKat Now!!!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
CyanogenMod Releases Cm11.0 For samsung galaxy s4 i9500. Download Link Is given below. Please comment the bugs and if the links are broken.CyanogenMod 11.0 for the i9500 is currently in its alpha stages. You can see the bugs at the bottom of the second post. Flash at your own risk.How To Install:Switching to CyanogenMod 11.0 from another ROM:- Make sure you're running a proper working CWM Recovery.-...

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Unconditionally Love

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
In these several days, I'm obsessed with the great song from Katy Perry "Unconditionally". I love this song because this song have a good MV, so elegant and classy, especially this song has a very deep meanings. "Unconditionally" means you'll love and accept him as he is. Its similiar with the song from Bruno Mars "Just The Way You Are" but Unconditionally has a deep impression and more mature.I want...

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