Lenovo A706 Armani Review and Specs

Posted by Unknown Senin, 30 September 2013 0 komentar
Lenovo A706 Armani Review and Specs - Hello guys, I will share information about the new smartphone review. Previously, I have written about the Huawei Ascend Y300 Review and Price. Now I want to give you about a review of the Lenovo A706 Armani. How is its performance?Lenovo A706 Armani Review and SpecsLenovo A706 Armani carrying the body of a plastic material having a design similar to the A390....

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Etude House Nutrifull Shea Butter Cream ~ Review

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 29 September 2013 0 komentar
I've frequently heard Shea Butter is widely used in beauty products. So I did not miss a chance to try a product from Etude House that uses Organic Shea Butter. Shea Butter is fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree. Shea Butter is good for dry skin, itching skin, blemishes, wringkle, sun burn and make your skin smooth & healthy glow.This is description on the box :The contents...

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Leaked Files show Build KRSH74 of Android 4.4 KitKat

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The rumors have been coming pretty fast  regarding the Nexus 5 and Android 4.4 KitKat. Since Google announced that the next version of Android would be known as KitKat, we’ve all been looking around for leaks that actually show KitKat. As most of you know, Google was using Key Lime Pie or KLP as their codename for the codename of Android 4.4. As we’ve reported already, Google and Nestle had their...

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Huawei Ascend Y300 Review and Price

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Huawei Ascend Y300 Review and Price - Hello guys, I will share information about the new smartphone review. Previously I have written about the BlackBerry Q5 Review and Specs. Now I want to share a new smartphone that Huawei Ascend Y300. How it performs?Huawei Ascend Y300 Review and PriceHuawei Ascend Y300 comes with dimensions: 124.5 x 63.8 x 11.2 mm (4.90 x 2:51 x 0:44 in) Weight: 130 grams....

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BlackBerry Q5 Review and Specs

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 28 September 2013 0 komentar
BlackBerry Q5 Review and Specs - Hello guys, whatsaap today? I have been giving you about Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 GT-19150 Review. Now, I want to share you about the new smartphone by BlackBerry that is Q5 (SQR100-2). How about the performance? Here I give for you.BlackBerry Q5 comes with the dimensions: 120 x 66 x 10.8 mm, 120gram; touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard; plastics material; volume control,...

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Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 GT-19150 Review

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 GT-19150 Review -  Hy guys, some time ago I have been giving you about Sony Xperia Honami Release Date and Specs. Today, I want to share you about the new smartphone by Samsung that is Galaxy Mega with 5.8 inch. How abilities? Let's talk about it.Samsung Galaxy Mega 5.8 comes with dimensions: 162.6 x 82.4 x 9 mm, Weight: 182 g. From the layout of the buttons and ports...

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HTC One Max to arrive in mid-October

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Ah yes, the HTC One Max. The device hasn’t been officially announced, yet alone reached shelves and yet we already feel like we know the smartphone so well. Needless to say, the device still needs to be announced by HTC before any of us looking to get our hands on a larger One will have a chance to buy one. We’ve been hearing quite a lot about the handset in the past month and so naturally, you’d...

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Download FIFA 14 free for Windows Phone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
More of a mobile gamer? Well EA SPORTS have released FIFA 14 for iOS,windows and Android devices.The main features of the mobile edition of FIFA 14 include the following:34 licensed stadiums, over 30 licensed leagues, and over 600 teams.Tailored for Touch, Easy and intuitive controls, New Touch ControlsCommentaries in five languages available (English, French, Italian, Spanish and German)EA SPORTS...

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Download BBM for Windows Phone soon..!!

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Blackberry is still probing the issue with BBM for Android and iOS and paralleling we are working on to address all the identified bottleneck. BlackBerry Messenger, which is set to be launched for Android and iOS devices, may be launched for Windows Phone operating system too. The creator of BlackBerry Messenger, Gary Klassen hinted this while talking to The Mobile Indian on the sidelines of an event...

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Xbox Fitness is Microsoft's Latest Xbox One Exclusive

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
I haven’t been shy about saying that Microsoft’s Xbox One needs some pretty serious selling points if it’s going to compete with the cheaper PS4. With all their policy reversals, Microsoft pretty much ended up with a very similar system to their rivals in the end. The biggest differences? The price, the peripheral that’s the cause of the price (Kinect), and each console’s exclusive games...

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Download CyanogenMod 10.2 Nightly for Verizon HTC One

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Verizon is the only major carrier in the US who offers the HTC One with Android 4.2, but that doesn't mean squat if you intend to flash a custom ROM on it anyway. Sense 5 is fast, attractive, and stable - but it isn't for everyone. The app drawer could use some work, and the launcher isn't exactly the easiest to customize. Besides, the available options pale in comparison to what CyanogenMod offers...

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Download HTC One Developer Edition 4.3 Rom

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
A path back for the Developer Edition HTC One when you need itYou got the Developer Edition HTC One so you could dig in there and really mess stuff up. It's fun, and a good way to learn about how Android works at the nerd level. But after you're done mucking around with things, and need your camera or Bluetooth back, you want to return it to the way is comes out of the box.Luckily, HTC gives...

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Download The Secret Of Space Octopuses Apk For Free

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 26 September 2013 0 komentar
You're following Little Buddy's story, a young earthling who after having been abducted by some aliens, him and his entire village, will try toescape from the world in which he's being held captive. To do so, he's going to build a robot out of various junk and trash named B.O.T (Bunch Of Trash) of outstanding capabilities. During his escape, Little Buddy will have the...

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New Design Improvements in Google Search

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Consistent design and syncing across devices on all platformsIt has been 15 years since Google first appeared as a search engine, and on its anniversary Google is rolling out new search features to mobile devices. First up is a new and improved mobile web search experience across all devices, which puts it more in line with the "card" view of Google Now. Search results are now cleaner and more touch-friendly,...

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Sambisari Temple (Candi Sambisari)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
There are plenty of temples around jogja . Although I've lived in jogja 12 years, temples i've visited only the Borobudur Temple. I asked my BF to photos hunting in the temple site, and the temple we choose is   Sambisari Temple in Kalasan. Because the locations is not too far from my home.Not so hard to come here, you can see the map here. The location is not so crowded because this temple...

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Major Upcoming updates for Windows Phone Bing search and Camera

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Windows 8.1 reached RTM status earlier in August and a few weeks later developers had the chance to download and start testing their applications with it. But Windows 8.1 isn’t done. Microsoft initially wanted to not even let developers download the bits until October 18th (public release).So what else are they working on before the public get to play with Windows 8.1?Over at The Verge, they had the...

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Check out Nokia's 6 new upcoming devices

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 25 September 2013 0 komentar
Nokia will be looking to unveil six new products at its Abu Dhabi event next month, according to a report over on The Verge. We'll be looking at two new Lumia Windows Phones and four other devices that could include the Asha feature line. Sources familiar with Nokia's plans also tease that a range of new accessories will be announced to compliment the main show.So what's everyone looking...

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Download Phone Glitch for Windows Phone 8

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Do you find that there's too much talk about creating beautiful photos with the Lumia 1020 and other Windows Phones? You'd not be alone, but there's a handy solution for you. Photo Glitch is an interesting little app that makes it easy for you to corrupt and distort images captured by or stored on a Windows Phone. The end result can be fairly awesome indeed.Because the idea is simple, there's...

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